I am writing to you concerning this matter, as I am seriously worried about the implications of this policy were it to be introduced. Presumed consent essentially means that organs can be harvested from people who have not expressed any wish for this to happen. It should be a free gift, otherwise the concept of “donation” is meaningless. This effectively gives the state power it has no authority to wield, in effect making the bodies of those who happen to die in Wales the property of the state. If Government believes it is there to serve the people, then it would not cross their minds to act with such presumption. What they are implying by such a move is that they are the “masters” and the function of the rest of us is to serve their needs. From a philosophical standpoint it appears to reveal the arrogance of those that govern us, especially as this plan is made public only as a fait accompli , with consultation seemingly only being sought on the way this is to be implemented. I wish to express my extreme anger at this entire proposal, and would also question the legality of something that would appear to exceed the Assembly’s remit.




Ben Biddulph  


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Ben Biddulph